In case you have been searching for “Best Lemon Puns and Jokes” or Lemon Jokes One Liner, then you are at the right place.
Lemons are, without a doubt, one of the most intriguing fruits. Their yellow skin makes them impossible to overlook, and they are utilized in a variety of our favorite foods, desserts, and beverages (who doesn’t like lemonade?). Consequently, they are ideal for some amusing quips.
There are numerous opportunities to create fruit-themed wordplay and clever puns, such as preparing lemon meringue pies and puddings and sipping refreshing lemonade in the summer. Such exercises will leave you groaning and laughing.
Thus, for some lightheartedness and to inspire summers filled with lemonade, we present this compilation of our preferred one-liners and lemon analogies.
This article contains quotations by poets, writers, and influential figures about Lemon Jokes. Let us explore
Lemon Puns for Instagram And Lemon Jokes One-Liner
The search for the stolen lemons was fruitless.
The lemon is feeling said she just lost her zest.
The lemon lawyer declared… “I zest my case!”
The lemon failed its driving test because it kept peeling out.
Why did the lemon go out with a prune? Because she couldn’t find a date.
A dinosaur eating a lemon is a Tyrannasourest Rex.
When lemons start fighting all hell breaks juice.
Why did the lemon pie go to the dentist? Because it needed fillings.
Cit-rus got real.
Lemon tell you a joke.
The lemon is feeling said she just lost her zest.
The lemon lawyer declared… “I zest my case!”
The lemon failed its driving test because it kept peeling out.
Why did the lemon go out with a prune? Because she couldn’t find a date.
A dinosaur eating a lemon is a Tyrannasourest Rex.
When lemons start fighting all hell breaks juice.
Don’t you just love lemons? They are sub-lime.
How do you make a lemon drop? Hold it high and let go.
Which citrus fruit is bitter and green? A lemon in a green jumper.
Why do lemons wear suntan lotion? Because they peel.
Why did the lemon fail his driving test? It kept peeling out.
What kind of lemon performs for charity? Lemon Aid.
Why did the lemon stop rolling down the hill? It ran out of juice.
What did the lemon say after it sneezed? Ex-squeeze me.
How do you make a lemon puff? Chase it round the garden.
What’s yellow and goes bzzzzz? An electric lemon.
What do you get when you cross a cat and a lemon? A sour puss.
What did the melon say to the lemon’s marriage proposal? I cantaloupe.
What happens when life gives you pickles instead of lemons? You dill with it.
What did the pickle say to the lemon? I relish our time together.
What will we give to a sick lemon? Lemon aid.
What advice did the lemon give the lime? Juice be you.
Who did the lemon rob the bank with? His partner in lime.
What do you call a scary lemon dessert that keeps coming back? A Boo-Meringue
Where did the grapefruit get her joggers? Lululemon.
Why did the lemon cross the road? Because everyone thought he was a chicken.
What did the old lemon see before it died? The grim ripe-r.
What do you get if you crossbreed a dinosaur with a lemon? A dinosaur.
How does the lemon ask for a hug? Give us a squeeze.
What did the lime say to the grapefruit? Orange, you glad you’re not a lemon?
When you bump into a lemon, what does it say? Sour, you doing?
What did the lemon lawyer declare? I zest my case.